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  • Writer's pictureNutrition Coach Mohammad

Lazy Weightloss Tips

Its just a starting point!! Once you start thinking about your weightloss, and you start making these tiny lazy steps towards it.. hopefully it inspires you to take it some steps further in a couple of months 😅.

These Tips are not gonna be the typical long term strategies like using smaller serving plates or even having apple cider vinegar etc.. These are the weird and wonderful little tricks that are there just to have your mind overtime subconsciously develop the real desire and motivation to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.. No guarantees, but all that which is mentioned below has scientific backing 😊.

Tip 1 - Vanilla Scented Candles to Curb Cravings

Science shows that scents influence the brain in major ways that we don’t even fully understand yet. After all, don’t certain scents vividly remind you of specific memories? Well you can put your nose to work for weight loss. By lighting a vanilla scented candle or wearing vanilla lotion, the sweet smells may help curb your cravings.

Tip 2 - Clean your Teeth

This tip may sound a little weird at first, but it makes perfect sense once you try it. After your meals, go brush your teeth. Immediately go do it. Don’t sit around for dessert. When you finish that last piece of your meal, go to the bathroom and brush your teeth.

The reasoning behind this is that nobody likes the taste of food after they brush their teeth. It’s very unappealing. You know it, I know it, the entire world knows it. This tiny lifestyle change will help you when it comes to wanting that little extra snack or dessert after a meal.

Tip 3 - Gotta Mention Water

Water water water!

A study published in the journal of obesity found that people who drank two cups of water before eating consumed 75 to 90 fewer calories over the course of a meal. So start chugging..

Carry around a large bottle of water with you and all day you’ll have hydration at your fingertips. Stay away from sodas and juices, and stick with good old fashioned water to keep you going. If you don’t enjoy the complete lack of flavor in water, there are many good flavor options you can try out. A clean option would be to add frozen fruit to your bottle of water. Not only will it keep your water chilled for longer, but it will add a delightful fruity taste to your drink.

Tip 4 - Sprinkle Black Pepper and Fresh Herbs

Different ways to season, but both guaranteed to help you lob some inches off your waistline. Black pepper has piperine that's been shown to decrease inflammation and interfere with the formation of fat cells, says Goldfarb. Fresh herbs, on the other hand, have a similar effect to that of smelling fruit—the more aromatic a dish is, the less likely you are to overindulge. Bring on the cilantro and mint!

Tip 5 - Cold showers

Brrrrr.. I know..

Just once a week, 3 minutes in a cold shower may just be the little tip you've been searching for!! Why does it produce results? Theory says that heating up the body consumes many calories, so when you shock it with the cold, your body will then keep on providing warmth for the next 30 minutes and you will continue to burn calories ... It's a lazy tip but not one without its momentary pain ..

Tip 6 - Mint teas

f you are looking to shed a few kilograms, peppermint tea is the way ahead. A cup of peppermint tea can leave you feeling full for a longer period, so you don’t feel hungry through the day. This way you will avoid adding extra calories to your day and resultant lose weight. Specifically peppermint tea, it contains trace amounts of caffeine and catechins. These chemicals increase the temperature and, in turn, speed up metabolism. This property helps peppermint tea aficionados stay in shape and be healthier than others.

I've only written this little blog because I have many people coming back to me week after week saying they have fallen off the healthy lifestyle they tried following, they have started yo-yo dieting.. etc. This is mainly because they have not fully given this change enough importance, they have not completely convinced themselves of the benefits or they are being far too harsh on themselves. Using little conscious lazy tips might just be the subconscious recipe to a long term positive impact..

What are your favourite unsung tips? Comment below..

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