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  • Writer's pictureNutrition Coach Mohammad

How to Tell if I Have a Good Diet?

I got so happy when I was asked this question because if you aren’t seeing these positivities, you will need to altering something further.. Also, some positives are felt immediately, and some are notice after a while of consistency.

The positive indications include:

A Healthier mind

Proper nutrition improves the blood flow to the brain, protecting the brain cells and helping the brain stay fit and sharp. Eating a healthy, balanced diet ensures to offer the brain the sufficient energy level to be more productive.

Meaning you are able to be more alert, more focused and in a better mood throughout the day.

Great Energy Levels

What we eat is burnt and processed into energy and fats. Avoid eating food, which contain excess fats, sugar, and refined carbohydrates (like white bread) to control blood sugar fluctuations. This allows us to maintain steady blood sugar and constant energy levels too. Small, frequent meals also help maintain energy levels and eating a healthy breakfast keep us energized throughout the day.

You might notice you don’t suffer from energy slumps throughout the day, and that you get a great nights rest..

Improved sleep

When it comes to your ability to get a good night's sleep, your diet may play a role. Go to bed hungry, and you'll likely have trouble falling asleep. Eat a large meal, and afterward you may feel like dozing off.

A diet low in fiber and high in saturated fats could take a toll on your shuteye by decreasing the amount of deep, slow-wave sleep that you get during the night. Meanwhile, eating too much sugar could result in more midnight wake-ups. On the other hand, a healthy balanced diet that's high in fiber and low in added sugars could help you to drift off easier, and log as many as two extra hours of sleep a week.

Fewer Cravings

A drop in blood sugar level can lead to an unhealthy mode of eating. Lean proteins and carbohydrates help to stabilize the blood sugar in the body in order to control rapid changes. When you start consuming a balanced and nutritional diet, your cravings for unhealthy foods such as junk foods will gradually decrease. This will help you to maintain a healthy and decent lifestyle.

So if you notice this, you are on the right tracks, if not, you’ve gotta lookout for what is missing.

The End of the Diet Mentality

Ever thought that a healthy diet is Eat something green at least once a day, red meat is the devil, and losing weight is the key to happiness? If so, then you may have fallen victim to the diet culture. You don't need to reward yourself for going to the gym or fasting all day, just like you don't need to punish yourself for eating dessert.

If you are living the mentality that this is your lifestyle now, you enjoy the food you are having, the routine you are living, then you have a positive diet.

Luscious hair

Healthy functioning organs require adequate nutrition, and healthy hair follicles are no exception. Starvation diets that lead to severe protein-energy malnutrition can cause brittle hair or worse, hair loss. So you you find your hair is beautifully free flowing, thats your indicator that you are on the right lines.

Digestive discomfort

Digestive discomfort can often be a sign that you have a low dietary intake of fiber, specifically soluble fiber. Both diarrhea and constipation can surface as a result of inadequate fiber intake.

In such cases, you are likely lacking soluble fibers, which has the ability to delay gastric emptying of the stomach, which increases feelings of satiety, slows the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, and promotes a healthy stool output.

Weak Immunity

Poor nutritional habits can compromise the immune system and trigger illness and infection. If you are constantly under the weather or fighting an infection, you could benefit from pumping more nutrition into your body by selecting nutrient-rich foods.

To improve this, you might want to look at your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains -- specifically citrus fruits, leafy greens, popcorn and brown rice.

Here are a few great little indicators, has there been anything else you might have noticed and are concerned that you might be missing something in your balanced diet? Feel free to ask below :)

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