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  • Writer's pictureNutrition Coach Mohammad

Developing Healthy Habits and Sticking to Them

Starting new habits can be hard. Some changes take longer to become second nature than others; there is no magic number. The key to making a long-term change is sticking with it and making it a habit as soon as possible to avoid expending willpower. Don't underestimate your willpower!!

Here are Five ways to establish long-term healthy eating habits — especially after a relapse.

1 - Make it second nature

About 47% of our daily activities are repetitive ones with minimal thought needed. Find a way to quickly connect your new behavior to an existing habit, and it won’t use up as much of your willpower. For example, add a handful of spinach to the omelet you make every morning.

2- Be realistic

When setting goals, make them "SMART" ones; by making Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound plans. In our eagerness to reach the finish line, we often aim too high, which sets us up to fail. If you never cook dinner, start by committing to cooking one or two meals a week at home.

3- Stop jumping over OBSTACLES, get rid of them!

If you know something is likely to derail your habits, avoid it or change it. Walk home another way instead of passing the bakery (we all love the smell of fresh bread 🤤), suit up in workout clothes before going to sleep so you are not making the extra excuse in the morning.


4- A stumble can prevent a fall

This can be a traps that can destroy your good habits. That is, if you have one hard day, you haven’t undone all your hard work — unless you let it. Sometimes a “mistake” can work in your favour, reminding you how committed you are to changing or, for example, how awful you feel after eating that extra piece of cake. This is the difference between a diet mindset, which works against our self-control, and a sustainable habit, which reinforces and builds it.

5 - Take a break

Often times restarting can be harder than starting. When life gets crazy — and it will — pause your habits instead of quitting them. Take a step back (one home-cooked dinner, not two) or stay where you are until life settles down. If you get off-track, pause rather than stop. Reframing the habit this way can help you pick up where you left off.

I hope these suggestions help you fight through your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle.. Comment below what from your experience has worked or what has acted as a barrier for you.

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