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  • Writer's pictureNutrition Coach Mohammad

10 Reasons Why People Have Trouble Losing Weight

I think a lot of misconceptions about weight loss is very well the thing that’s challenging most people. The information influx regarding different diets, workouts and food is overwhelming to say the least. No wonder it’s hard to actually commit to something and see it through. There is also an obsession to lose weight and try the latest fads, endorsed by celebrities. What is missing here is that going back to basics is the most trusted, easy and results guaranteed approach to weight loss and keeping it off.

10 reasons why people have trouble losing weight:

  • Trying too many different diets at the same time, therefore results are not consistent or non existent.Not willing to make the proper dietary changes needed to lose weight and keep it off.

  • Eating the wrong kinds of foods, or may have a gut imbalance or food allergy that’s keeping them from seeing the results.

  • They eat nothing in the first part of the day, and then consuming the fridge contents in the evening.

  • Binge eating in between meals, or snacking on high sugar, refined foods.

  • Overeat the so called “healthy foods” thinking it wont have a negative effect on them.Having a desk job, never getting up off the chair regularly.

  • Sitting down at every opportunity, and moving minimally.

  • Eating snacks at night that are unhealthy. General impatience with not seeing results overnight!

  • Having one day of poor eating habits, feeling guilty, then explaining to yourself that you may as well quit now, and just keep eating the unhealthy foods (bad habit guys)

  • Soft drink consumption, even if it’s diet soda. Alcohol consumption! This still counts.

  • Eating too much food in one sitting.

I’m sure a lot of you can relate to any of these, or probably know people who do this (I know I do). I could actually write a list that can fill up a book! The reasons are endless and I’m sure I’ve missed some important points here.

The way to success in weight loss is to be consistent, eat well 90% of the time, and get moving. I’m going to mention weight training yet again here! It’s the best form of training you can do for the rest of your life. Once you start, stick with it. Give it about 8 weeks for your body to start changing. Then give it 3 months to really have an ingrained habit. Then keep going. Keep eating well, exercising and being active in your overall life. Soon enough it will become a normal thing for you, and you wont even think about it.

You can experience weight loss. Just do the work consistently and be patient.

Any specific queries? Questions? Please do not shy away from getting in touch! :)

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